About Rebecca...
Rebecca grew up in a 3rd generation family of funeral directors. Her first experiences with Spirit Communication began as a child & continued to grow profoundly while working for a funeral home. She knew certain facts about the deceased loved ones that could not have been known at the time, until validation by the grieving families proved them so. Later she realized, she would be continuing in the footsteps of the family business...just in a slightly different manner!
" Connecting to Spirit is truly sacred. To be a bridge connecting the Physical to the Spiritual is a blessing. I am in service to helping those heal & find hope in those moments of grief. I am also in service to those in Spirit."
With a background of the Barbara Brennan energy studies & various other modalities, she takes her readings to a deeper level as she is also able to access her client's chakra system. By using her clairvoyance, clairaudience & clairsentience she is able to provide guidance & direction. She is a certified metaphysician practitioner with over 15 years of experience healing, reading & teaching.
She continues to study with many International Mediums at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Sciences in London - "The Worlds Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences." Rebecca has studied Remote Viewing & Psychic Detective work & completed a Private Investigator Internship with the Seattle Public Defenders Association. She is currently involved with other Mediums working Psychic Investigation case files. (Please see "Psychic Investigation" page to submit a case.) She is an affiliate of Best American Psychics - member of the Certified Psychic Society, Bob Olson's Best Psychic Directory, JS Intuitive Investigations Academy & completed training with Trinity Executive Solutions in Law Enforcement Investigations of California.
Rebecca is tested, verified and certified through 'Best American Psychics'. Their psychics must undergo 2 separate test readings for professionalism, reading accuracy, training, ethics and integrity as well as a course covering the basics of being a professional psychic and a criminal background check. Every tested professional listed on their site has a proven history of providing quality service.
Rebecca carries her passion for Spirituality in other areas of her life. She has traveled extensively to experience other Mediums, Healers & Shaman around the world while exploring the Earth Chakras & Spiritual sites.